


Business Background

Cotton is the most popular natural fibre, but it has caused many problems, including health and environmental issues by excessive use of pesticides and water resources during cultivation, and forced labour.

As a result, Demand for organic cotton, which considers human rights and environmentally friendly production, and transparent in terms of proof of origin, is growing at a rate of more than 30% per year.

However, supplies are in short supply, as it takes as long as three years to be certified as pesticide-free, yields are declining and the prevalence of high-quality, controlled cotton is only 1% or less of total production.


Farmer's Textile

In this context, the unused agricultural resources we have focused on, which are the raw materials for FARMERS TEXTILE, are already on farmland and do not need to be deliberately produced.

It can reduce the impact on the global environment, and by buying back what would otherwise have been thrown away and turning it into products, it directly improves the income of the producers. It also can contribute to a more sustainable apparel industry.

In addition, Okinawa Prefecture, where our headquarters is located, is a major producer of pineapples and bananas in Japan.

At the same time, it is of great significance to promote natural fibre brands such as pineapple and banana from Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture, which is located in the nature-rich Yanbaru region, designated as a World Natural Heritage Site. We therefore believe that we can develop a highly influential business with strong significance.