Farmers Textiles also utilises w
aste materials from the fibre extraction process
as biodegradable materials.

When fibre was extracted from discarded leaves, the mesophyll was discarded. We use this to produce fertilisers for the farmlands and as a material to be mixed into the biodegradable resins.
The resulting material is mixed with biodegradable resin to produce straws. In addition to this, pineapple leaves will be utilised as a material that returns to the earth in surplus. And cutlery and containers are another material alternative to petroleum-based plastics.
Related Activity

Umi-to-Nippon Project (The Ocean and Japan Project)
Straws in support of and in collaboration with the Ocean and Japan Project.
The Ocean and Japan Project is an all-Japan project led by the Nippon Foundation, the Headquarters for Ocean Policy and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The project aims to inform people about the current situation of the oceans that support us and to expand the circle of actions to connect the oceans to the future throughout Japan.

Pokémon Air Adventures
Pineapple leaf fibre straws collaborated with the “Pokémon Air Adventures” a support project in Okinawa undertaken by the Pokémon Company.
The product was released exclusively in Okinawa Prefecture, in limited and colourful packaging.
URL : Pokémon Air Adventures